Passpod Kit. Is this really true today?

Passpod Kit. Is this really true today?

Good night, dear vapers and connoisseurs of delicious electronic steam. Somewhere from someone, once I heard that such devices today are very popular among vapers. But I would like to make a small remark, such devices have never been, and never will be, popular among those vapers who in their lives held devices with variable power / voltage, rewound more than one hundred winders, among vapers who read themselves real vapers. Even in the description of such devices on the official websites, manufacturers indicate that these are some kind of transitional devices that will help smokers quit smoking and thereby prepare former smokers for real vaping. According to someone it’s not necessary to switch from a cigarette to an electronic one, but vaping as a subculture is a completely different concept, and there is no place for such a device. I agree that with the help of such devices you can quit smoking, but to attach yourself to vapers in your pocket with such a device is disrespect for vapers. Oh, something dragged on my introduction, without saying a word about our today’s “hero” of the review. Well, what is before us nothing more than a Passpod Kit, even the name itself sounds somehow strange, doesn’t it seem to you?

Passpod Kit.  Seriously?  Is this really true today?

Well, since the beginning, it is necessary to continue. What do they offer us? Well, like most of this kind, cheap “Chinese” products, this starter kit is packaged in a regular rectangular cardboard box. On the box cover you can see the image of the device itself and the name of the model, on the back there are the main features and characteristics of the device, as well as a couple of warning labels. In picking, you often do not have to expect anything special. Actually, the battery pack itself and a couple of cartridges, if any, are installed, because in most cases cartridges are sold separately by hotel packs. Actually in this configuration you will find the battery pack, cable for recharging the device, and user manual.

I don’t even know what to tell you about the appearance of this device, if mods from the same Filipinos or Americans can discuss ornaments, drawings and engravings, then there’s simply nothing to look at. Plastic “body”, a couple of inscriptions and logos, oddly enough, this device even lacks LED indicators, which are constantly sculpted by competitors. The device is small in size, and this is not surprising, the dimensions are 116x18x9mm. You can choose from either a gray or black version of this battery pack, all cartridges come in black.

Passpod Kit.  Seriously?  Is this really true today?

What else can you say about this device? Well, probably it’s worth saying about the battery inside the case, here it has a capacity of 350 mAh, which takes about 15-20 minutes to fully charge. Cartridges come in different tastes, each color of the cartridge is associated with a liquid inside, cartridges are sold in a separate “item” pack of 4 pcs. in each package. Cartridge capacity – 1ml. The price of the starter kit is 20 Euros, and the pack of cartridges costs about 14 Euros. Well, that’s it!

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