Philippine designs are always good. SOB Legend tube

Philippine designs are always good. SOB Legend tube

Good evening, dear vapers and connoisseurs of delicious electronic steam. Another mechanical mod comes to us from the Filipinos. Surely, if you constantly get acquainted with the latest in the global vaping industry, then you know that in the Philippines there are a lot of companies that are developing high-quality devices for vapers. There are atomizers, mechanical modes, and modes on boards, and much more. Which greatly simplifies the life of vapers. Of course, it is often very problematic to get such products, but it doesn’t matter. For this, there are Chinese clonodel companies, which every now and then, pack interesting models in batches for a penny, only no one guarantees you quality there, and you buy it all at your own risk and risk. Why am I talking about clonodealers now, because the mod, which in our review has long been cloned and available in any store that provides us with cheap devices, on the same Fasttek, this model already exists, and even in several interpretations, you can buy a separate mod there, which we will consider today , as well as buy it in tandem with an atomizer from the same company, such as in the starter kit, only the manufacturer has never officially offered the company, and will not offer such kits, but oh well, more on that below, and now, I’m glad to introduce you another quality me anichesky events collected in the Philippines. Meet the mod called as well as buy it in tandem with an atomizer from the same company, such as in a starter kit, only the manufacturer has never officially proposed, and will not offer such kits, but oh well, more on that below, and now, I’m glad to introduce you Another high-quality mechanical mod assembled in the Philippines. Meet the mod called as well as buy it in tandem with an atomizer from the same company, such as in a starter kit, only the manufacturer has never officially proposed, and will not offer such kits, but oh well, more on that below, and now, I’m glad to introduce you Another high-quality mechanical mod assembled in the Philippines. Meet the mod calledLegend with a 27th diameter.

Philippine designs are always good.  SOB Legend tube

I don’t know what is happening with the Chinese packaging, but the original model is packed in a small case, which you can also use as a carrying case, there is a company logo on the case itself and a special clasp that can be hooked up to any convenient and accessible place. In a set of cut mods you will find several spare parts that are used in the button construct and a small piece of paper, which is a warranty card, which also indicates a unique serial number that is present on the body of each mod.

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